Straw Man
So to supposedly connect you to the strawman which they created for you when your birth was registered, they use the Legalese technique of conning you with the Name of the strawman. If you are ill-advised enough to go to a Court (which is a Corporate place of Business) as the accused, you will be asked to confirm your name, quoting the full name shown on your birth certificate, which is the LEGAL PERSONALITY. Titles such as Mr, Dr, Lord, PC, QC, or whatever are not asked for as they are not required. The “Accused” is actually the LEGAL PERSONALITY which is the name on the birth certificate, so when they ask for the person’s NAME, they are talking to the LEGAL PERSONALITY and not the human. This is because a human cannot exist in the legal world – only pieces of paper can, and that is something which they are very careful not to tell you.
This is a really key issue. Natural Law and Common Law are the only laws which apply to humans and they deal only with harming other people or causing them loss, and outside of those restrictions, a human has free and unlimited entitlement to do anything he chooses which complies with these principles. As opposed to this, Acts of Parliament, “Statutes” and Statutory Instruments “Contracts” do not apply to the human but only to the piece of paper which is the LEGAL PERSONALITY and which has no reality. As the legal fiction of the LEGAL PERSONALITY was created by the company called “the United Kingdom Corporation”, it is that company which gets to say what the rights and duties are for that piece of paper.
When a person is born in Britain, the mother and father submit a Birth Certificate Registration Form, which is a piece of paper. There is no requirement under common law to do this. When any limited company or corporation is set up, there is always a Certificate of Registration in order to create it’s LEGAL PERSONALITY and that is a piece of paper. Please note that a British Birth Certificate states quite clearly that it is not evidence of identity, that means that, it has nothing to do with any human. Marked on it is “Crown Copyright” showing clearly that it does not belong to an individual and was created by the crown. This act of Registering a child, makes that child a “ward of the court” and the child can be taken away from the parents at any time. The Legalese definitions of words which sound commonplace, can be found in Black’s Law Dictionary and the current edition is the eighth.
Another trick they try to play on you is to imply that a Summons is something which you MUST obey while in fact, it is only an Invitation to attend their place of business. They are NOT inviting you, the man, but instead, they are inviting a LEGAL PERSONALITY to their place of business, and please note that there is a CHOICE as it is only an invitation. The LEGAL PERSONALITY is just a piece of paper, a BIRTH CERTIFICATE created by the commercial company called “The United Kingdom Corporation” and it is not the human. You can’t be forced into a contract, so they have to deceive you into entering into one without understanding what you are doing. They are using deception as every Magistrates Court is a trading name of the commercial company called “The Ministry of Justice” D-U-N-S Number 22-549-8526 which does not have a Parent Company listed meaning that it is a Parent Company itself. Legal people on being shown this company registration, responded by saying that if this information is genuine (which it is), then the UK has been lawless for more than 400 years because the whole Justice System is being dealt with by a commercial company.
Going to court in connection with any civil action, is a very bad idea as the only function of a court is to judge between two parties who disagree and then penalise the loser. The court doesn’t care who wins or loses, and the objective of the court is to make a profit for it’s owners as it is a commercial enterprise and it’s purpose is to acquire money from anybody who is fool enough to attend. If you look at the Summons (which is really an invitation) to go to court, you will see that it is not in your name, but in the name of the strawman which they are hoping to fool you into representing.
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